Friday, February 01, 2008

Change the Channel


Replace negative television and radio shows with something more uplifting. I'll admit, I can get seriously hooked on Maury, Jerry Springer and Judge Judy, not to mention a few reality shows. However, I've also been noticing the effect they have on my overall emotional and spiritual well-being. So, now I'm trying to limit my "trash TV" watching, and watch more funny, uplifting shows and movies, or listen to good music. While I will probably never give up CSI, Law & Order and American Idol, changing some of my other viewing habits is definitely having a positive effect.

Try it and see. Pick one show from your "trash TV" viewing list, and try watching something else instead. Instead of watching the news, try browsing the headlines online in the morning, and choosing which stories and images you view. Notice the results.

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